Thursday, March 28, 2013

FBI Thug Ops New Years Eve 2012

FBI conducted its standard harassment operations on New Years Eve, December 31, 2012. FBI started with its standard Black and White male thug Dobson Ranch Golf Course operations.  Before I left home, FBI had sent one Black and White male thug op onto the Golf Course, I filmed FBI's thugs long distance.

FBI Black & White Male Thugs Dobson Ranch Golf Course Video

I left home in the afternoon to pick up a prescription from the CVS on Dobson and Southern Roads in Mesa, AZ.  FBI has repeatedly conducted harassment operations at this CVS, and New Years Eve was no different.  FBI had a Black male thug at the bus stop outside CVS at Dobson and Southern, FBI often places its Black male thugs at or around bus stops along my route.  When I arrived at CVS FBI had a Black male thug parked outside in a blue Chrysler Cruiser, another FBI Black male thug left CVS and joined the thug in the cruiser.  I called in my prescription to CVS, FBI knew I was going to stop there sometime during the day, FBI employs "deep cover" staff at CVS as they do at other retail locations.

Inside CVS, I encountered at least one more FBI Black male thug and I filmed FBI's "deep cover" Black male thug employee from a distance.  As soon as I took out my camera, FBI's "deep cover" White female thug started walking towards me asking what I was doing.  FBI's thugs were working at the cash register, I was on the opposite side of the store near the pharmacy, yet they spotted me and my camera and assumed I was filming them.  I often experience this with FBI's thugs, an overreaction to my filming and an assumption I am filming them.

FBI's White female thug approached me and demanded to know what I was doing, was I recording, I told her I was not, I was looking at pictures on my camera.  FBI's White female thug then started trying to see my  camera, went behind me to look, I continued filming her.  FBI's White female thug went to get her manager and he approached me as I was walking out the store, I told him FBI was incompetent and left. I have not returned to CVS since this incident.

FBI's White female thug was waiting for me outside CVS next to a water bottle filling machine.  She then began filming me and asked how would I like it if she filmed my license plate. I told her I did not mind, would she like me to pose, she said yes, I stood near my car and she took a picture of me. I had not filmed FBI's White female thug's car or license plate, but she is connected to FBI's thugs I filmed and FBI is conducting group retaliation operations against me. As I walked to my car, 3 more FBI Black male thugs drove into the CVS parking lot in a Chrysler 300.

FBI Thug Ops Slide Show

FBI CVS Thug Op Videos:
FBI Black Male Thug Bus Stop Outside CVS

FBI Black Male Thugs in Blue Chrysler Cruiser Video A 

FBI Black Male Thugs in Blue Chrysler Cruiser Video B

FBI Black Male Thugs in Blue Chrysler Cruiser Video C

FBI Black Male Thugs in Blue Chrysler Cruiser Video D

FBI Black Male Thugs Walking to Chrysler 300 at CVS

FBI Black Male Thugs Chrysler 300 A

FBI Black Male Thugs Chrysler 300 B

FBI Black Male Thugs Chrysler 300 C

FBI White Female "deep cover" CVS thug  

FBI Black Male Thug, Black Male & White Female "deep cover" CVS Thugs

Video Outside CVS Dobson & Southern Roads

I went to my friend's apartment after I left CVS, FBI had a Black male thug waiting in her parking lot for me.

Video of FBI's Black Male Thug at Friend's Apartment

My friend and I went to Walmart in Tempe, AZ on McClintock and Southern Roads to shop for New Years Eve get together she hosted.  FBI thinks Tempe is a city with a large Black population and consistently launches Black male thug centered ops when I go to Tempe. FBI had many Black male thugs at Walmart, driving everything from luxury cars to compact cars.  When I entered Walmart, I encountered more FBI Black male thugs, FBI pre-positions thugs along the targets predicted route, it is not unusual for me to arrive somewhere and FBI has its Black male thugs in place.

FBI had two of its signature Black male and White female thug couples at Walmart, both followed my friend and I into Walmart.  One FBI Black male and White female thug couple followed us out of Walmart, FBI's White female thug was driving their SUV, a standard FBI operation when stalking me.  I will not recount all FBI's Walmart thug ops, there were many and I filmed many of them.  An FBI White female thug approached me in Walmart and asked me why I was filming everyone, again, FBI making assumptions and reaching conclusions the general public would not make.

When my friend and I left Walmart and FBI Black male thug drove up in the lane next to us, we also encountered Black male thugs on our way to Walmart, at a Bus Stop outside of Walmart, etc. FBI's standard break from reality operations in the East Valley, Mesa-Tempe, AZ.

FBI Walmart Videos:
FBI Black Male & Female Thug Couple

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Couple I

FBI Black Male & White Male Thugs

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Driving Out of Walmart Parking Lot

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Couple II

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Couple II in Grocery Section

FBI Black Male Thug I

FBI Black Male Thug II

FBI Black Male Thug III

FBI Black Male Thug IV

FBI Black Male Thug V

FBI Black Male Thug VI

FBI Black Male Thug VII

FBI Black Male Thug VIII

FBI Black Male Thug VIIII

FBI Black Male Thug Dread driving BMW

FBI Black Male Thug Dread Walking to Walmart

FBI Black Male Thug on Southern Outside Walmart Drove in Lane Next to Us

I went home after my friend and I went to Walmart, FBI had a Black male thug at the bus stop in front of Banner Medical Center.

FBI Black Male Thug Banner Medical Center

FBI's New Years Even Black male thug centered harassment operations, were FBI's standard break from reality of Mesa-Tempe, Arizona.  FBI had another Black male thug w/kid props at bus stop when I drove back to my friend's for her New Years Eve get together.  FBI insists on inserting its Black male thugs along my path wherever I go, FBI ignores the norms of Mesa, AZ, intentionally blows covers, and damages national security to achieve its goal, a Lynnae harassment operation.

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