Friday, June 21, 2013

Left the US due to FBI harassment: Blog Temporarily on Hold

Thank you for visiting my blog, my 28 posts do not fully tell the story of the harassment, abuse, and intimidation the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has subjected me to over the past two plus years.  I have not blogged since March because I left the United States of America due to FBI's continuing harassment.

See my blog: for more information on my travels in Europe and beyond. I do not know when I will return to the United States, the thought of returning home and being again subjected to FBI's unconstitutional activities is intolerable.  Since I left the US, I have experienced a freedom I have not known in years.  CIA's psychological torture operations began in October 2009. I have not had a break from United States Government sponsored psychological terrorism in almost 4 years, first with CIA, then with FBI in the streets across America.

Imagine living your life with a constant FBI presence, you have committed no crimes, you have done nothing wrong, but they are there 24 hours a day 7 days per week.  Imagine being subjected to FBI harassment, you cannot go to the store, take your nieces and nephews to the movies, look out your window, have quiet time to yourself outside your house.

This has been my life for at least 2 years under FBI's unconstitutional surveillance regime, and FBI is not satisfied to keep its distance, FBI's surveillance is in my face, living next door, working in "deep cover" positions where I shop. FBI enlisted the support of the Mesa Police Department in Mesa, Arizona in its campaign of terror against my family and I.  Mesa PD visited my parents house at least twice while I was in Mesa, my crimes, exercising my constitutional rights and tweeting about them.  The situation was unbearable.

FBI has a "need to know" what wings I order at the local Native New Yorker restaurant, so they installed their agents "deep cover" as waitresses there.  Same at Gamestop, FBI has a "need to know" my gaming preferences, so their agents are there too.  Or how about wanting to get and stay in shape, I could not do that with FBI "deep cover" at LA Fitness and posing as clients working out.  FBI has not limited its operations to passive surveillance to ensure I am not meeting a Russian or Chinese spy, FBI has actively inserted itself into the most private areas of my life.

All of these things let me to take action, to force FBI's hand, to force FBI's operation to be overtaken by events and it worked.  Since I left the United States, I have not encountered FBI's gang stalking, FBI's army is not here, if FBI is watching me it is at a distance, no more "deep cover" FBI working behind the counter in stores, they cannot do that overseas, they do not have the authority, no foreign government would permit it.  I have found peace since leaving the US, I do not like the circumstances I was forced to leave under, but it is what it is, these are things I cannot control.

I will resume my blog sometime in the future, or I may just publish all the stories in book form.  I have enrolled in a Spanish language course beginning in July and if everything goes well, I will continue my studies for a full academic year at Madrid University.  In a year, I should be able to add Spanish Proficiency to my skills category on my resume.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.  I have posted all my FBI videos on youtube, there are a lot of videos, some include the thugs admitting they are FBI agents.  

Friday, March 29, 2013

FBI Thug Operations Native New Yorker 12/30/2012

On December 30, 2012, FBI launched its standard Dobson Ranch Golf Course operations, see pictures below.

I met my friend and her son at the Native New Yorker restaurant on Dobson and Guadalupe  in the afternoon to watch football.  FBI had a Black male thug rotation, one arrived shortly before or after I got to Native New Yorker.  After FBI's first Black male thug left, my friend's son and I were walking outside when we ran into FBI's Black male and East Indian Female thug couple, we filmed them.  My friend's son filmed them with my Nintendo 3DS and I filmed them with my camera.  Another FBI Black male thug walked through the sports bar area, into the restaurant and disappeared, my friends son and I went to look for him and he was gone.  FBI's last Black male thug arrived shortly after FBI's Black male and East Indian Female thug couple left the restaurant.  FBI paired its last Black male thug with a group of White male thugs for a portion of his time there.

FBI's last Black male thug followed my friend's son into the restroom. FBI thugs communicate my movements, and the movements of those with me, I often observe this coordination from afar.  FBI's Black male thug was sitting outside and got a communication about my friend's son going to the bathroom, he got up, walked inside and followed him.  Was obvious to see FBI's coordination, my friend's son said, "he was in there with me" when he returned to the table.  FBI does not confine its harassment and intimidation ops to adults, FBI considers children fair game.

FBI had 4 Black male thugs at the Native New Yorker while my friend, her son and I were there.  FBI's Black male thugs were on a shift rotation, we noted FBI did not let me stay in Native New Yorker without sending their Black male thugs for any length of time.  FBI employs "deep cover" staff at Native New Yorker, who support FBI's harassment operations.

When we left, we encountered an FBI Black male thug in formal wear driving into the shopping center with Native New Yorker, going to what appeared to be a wedding reception.  My friend rode her bike home, her son rode in the car with me back to my friend's apartment.  We encountered more FBI Black male thugs on our short down the street to my friend's apartment.

FBI's use of Black male thugs is a break with norms of Mesa and we did not encounter a single Black woman during our time out.  FBI has skewed the demographic in favor of its Black male thugs, Black women are virtually invisible.  As I stated in an earlier post, in FBI's East Valley, Arizona, Black men make up approximately 85% of the Black population.

FBI Slideshow 12/30/2012

FBI Black Male Thug Shift I, Native New Yorker

FBI Black Male and Indian Female Thug Shift II, Native New Yorker, A

FBI Black Male and Indian Female Thug Shift II, Native New Yorker, B

FBI Black Male and Indian Female Thug Shift II, Native New Yorker, C

FBI Black Male Thug Shift III, Native New Yorker, A

FBI Black Male Thug Shift III, Native New Yorker, B

FBI Black Male Thug Shift III, Native New Yorker, C

FBI Black Male Thug Shift III, Native New Yorker Inside

FBI Black Male Thug Dread Dobson & Southern Near CVS

FBI Black & White Male Thug Op Dobson Ranch Golf Course I

FBI Black & White Male Thug Op Dobson Ranch Golf Course II

Thursday, March 28, 2013

FBI Thug Ops New Years Eve 2012

FBI conducted its standard harassment operations on New Years Eve, December 31, 2012. FBI started with its standard Black and White male thug Dobson Ranch Golf Course operations.  Before I left home, FBI had sent one Black and White male thug op onto the Golf Course, I filmed FBI's thugs long distance.

FBI Black & White Male Thugs Dobson Ranch Golf Course Video

I left home in the afternoon to pick up a prescription from the CVS on Dobson and Southern Roads in Mesa, AZ.  FBI has repeatedly conducted harassment operations at this CVS, and New Years Eve was no different.  FBI had a Black male thug at the bus stop outside CVS at Dobson and Southern, FBI often places its Black male thugs at or around bus stops along my route.  When I arrived at CVS FBI had a Black male thug parked outside in a blue Chrysler Cruiser, another FBI Black male thug left CVS and joined the thug in the cruiser.  I called in my prescription to CVS, FBI knew I was going to stop there sometime during the day, FBI employs "deep cover" staff at CVS as they do at other retail locations.

Inside CVS, I encountered at least one more FBI Black male thug and I filmed FBI's "deep cover" Black male thug employee from a distance.  As soon as I took out my camera, FBI's "deep cover" White female thug started walking towards me asking what I was doing.  FBI's thugs were working at the cash register, I was on the opposite side of the store near the pharmacy, yet they spotted me and my camera and assumed I was filming them.  I often experience this with FBI's thugs, an overreaction to my filming and an assumption I am filming them.

FBI's White female thug approached me and demanded to know what I was doing, was I recording, I told her I was not, I was looking at pictures on my camera.  FBI's White female thug then started trying to see my  camera, went behind me to look, I continued filming her.  FBI's White female thug went to get her manager and he approached me as I was walking out the store, I told him FBI was incompetent and left. I have not returned to CVS since this incident.

FBI's White female thug was waiting for me outside CVS next to a water bottle filling machine.  She then began filming me and asked how would I like it if she filmed my license plate. I told her I did not mind, would she like me to pose, she said yes, I stood near my car and she took a picture of me. I had not filmed FBI's White female thug's car or license plate, but she is connected to FBI's thugs I filmed and FBI is conducting group retaliation operations against me. As I walked to my car, 3 more FBI Black male thugs drove into the CVS parking lot in a Chrysler 300.

FBI Thug Ops Slide Show

FBI CVS Thug Op Videos:
FBI Black Male Thug Bus Stop Outside CVS

FBI Black Male Thugs in Blue Chrysler Cruiser Video A 

FBI Black Male Thugs in Blue Chrysler Cruiser Video B

FBI Black Male Thugs in Blue Chrysler Cruiser Video C

FBI Black Male Thugs in Blue Chrysler Cruiser Video D

FBI Black Male Thugs Walking to Chrysler 300 at CVS

FBI Black Male Thugs Chrysler 300 A

FBI Black Male Thugs Chrysler 300 B

FBI Black Male Thugs Chrysler 300 C

FBI White Female "deep cover" CVS thug  

FBI Black Male Thug, Black Male & White Female "deep cover" CVS Thugs

Video Outside CVS Dobson & Southern Roads

I went to my friend's apartment after I left CVS, FBI had a Black male thug waiting in her parking lot for me.

Video of FBI's Black Male Thug at Friend's Apartment

My friend and I went to Walmart in Tempe, AZ on McClintock and Southern Roads to shop for New Years Eve get together she hosted.  FBI thinks Tempe is a city with a large Black population and consistently launches Black male thug centered ops when I go to Tempe. FBI had many Black male thugs at Walmart, driving everything from luxury cars to compact cars.  When I entered Walmart, I encountered more FBI Black male thugs, FBI pre-positions thugs along the targets predicted route, it is not unusual for me to arrive somewhere and FBI has its Black male thugs in place.

FBI had two of its signature Black male and White female thug couples at Walmart, both followed my friend and I into Walmart.  One FBI Black male and White female thug couple followed us out of Walmart, FBI's White female thug was driving their SUV, a standard FBI operation when stalking me.  I will not recount all FBI's Walmart thug ops, there were many and I filmed many of them.  An FBI White female thug approached me in Walmart and asked me why I was filming everyone, again, FBI making assumptions and reaching conclusions the general public would not make.

When my friend and I left Walmart and FBI Black male thug drove up in the lane next to us, we also encountered Black male thugs on our way to Walmart, at a Bus Stop outside of Walmart, etc. FBI's standard break from reality operations in the East Valley, Mesa-Tempe, AZ.

FBI Walmart Videos:
FBI Black Male & Female Thug Couple

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Couple I

FBI Black Male & White Male Thugs

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Driving Out of Walmart Parking Lot

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Couple II

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Couple II in Grocery Section

FBI Black Male Thug I

FBI Black Male Thug II

FBI Black Male Thug III

FBI Black Male Thug IV

FBI Black Male Thug V

FBI Black Male Thug VI

FBI Black Male Thug VII

FBI Black Male Thug VIII

FBI Black Male Thug VIIII

FBI Black Male Thug Dread driving BMW

FBI Black Male Thug Dread Walking to Walmart

FBI Black Male Thug on Southern Outside Walmart Drove in Lane Next to Us

I went home after my friend and I went to Walmart, FBI had a Black male thug at the bus stop in front of Banner Medical Center.

FBI Black Male Thug Banner Medical Center

FBI's New Years Even Black male thug centered harassment operations, were FBI's standard break from reality of Mesa-Tempe, Arizona.  FBI had another Black male thug w/kid props at bus stop when I drove back to my friend's for her New Years Eve get together.  FBI insists on inserting its Black male thugs along my path wherever I go, FBI ignores the norms of Mesa, AZ, intentionally blows covers, and damages national security to achieve its goal, a Lynnae harassment operation.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

FBI Tempe Market Place Thug Operations 12/28/2012

On December 28, 2012, I went to the  movies with my sister-in-law, nieces and nephews.  This was my first outing with my sister-in-law since FBI has escalated its harassment operations.  I anticipated FBI would use my outing with my sister-in-law to launch its Black male thug centered interracial thug couple stalking operations, I was not wrong.

FBI has an obsession with stalking me with Black male and White/other female thug couples, when I went out publicly with my White sister-in-law, FBI used this as an opportunity to flood Tempe Market Place and every destination I went after on December 28, 2012, with their Black male thug centered interracial couples.

On my way to my brother's house to pick up my sister-in-law, nieces and nephews, FBI had its usual Black male thug at the bus stop in front of Mesa Public Library's Dobson Ranch Branch.  A few weeks later,  FBI's Black male thug later physically assaulted me and stole my cell phone and camera at the Dobson Ranch Branch of the Mesa Public Library, I will publish a separate post on the assault.  FBI had a second Black male thug riding a bike past Mesa Community College (MCC) on my route to brother's house.

FBI Black Male Thug Assaulter
From FBI Thug Operations 12/28/2012
FBI had two Black male thugs in place at Roosevelt and Broadway on our way to Tempe Market Place. When we arrived at Tempe Market Place we bought our tickets to Jack Reacher without problem and went to the theater.  FBI had a Black and White Male thug in line at the movie theater when we arrived.  FBI had a Black Male Thug at the concession stand.  FBI inserted a Black male and female thug couple at the movie.  As I have blogged before, FBI will occasionally include a Black woman in their Black male thug centered ops as a prop.

After the movie, FBI flooded the area outside the movie with their signature Black male and White female thug couples, there were a couple of Black male and female thug couples.  My sister-in-law and nieces and nephews went to Gamestop, I went to get the car.  FBI stalked me with its Black male thugs to the parking lot and Black male and White female thug couples in cars, I followed and filmed one FBI White female thug driving a Black male thug.  FBI often follows me with their White female thugs driving Black male thugs, again mocking my brothers family, brother confirmed, FBI must have him and his family under surveillance too.  

FBI's Black male & female thug couple from Jack Reacher also conducted a drive by op while I was driving to Gamestop to meet my family.  I tweeted about FBI placing its Black male and female thug couple in the movie theater and got the retaliatory drive by from them after the movie.  I met my family at Gamestop and FBI had its Black male thugs in place and one working deep cover as a Gamestop employee. FBI stalked me out of Tempe Market Place with more Black male thugs, see my FBI slideshow below for pictures of FBI's Tempe Market operation. 

My niece drove us back to their house and I filmed additional FBI Black male thug ops, including one driving a White Mercedes.  After I dropped my family off at their home, I talked with my brother outside his home.  FBI sent a Black male thug past us on a skate board, see video below.  I then went to CVS to pick up a prescription.  FBI met me in the parking lot with a Black male and White female thug, FBI's Black male thug said he took the White female thug to CVS to get medication, see my youtube video.  After CVS I went to Target on Longmore and Southern, I encountered another FBI Black and White male thug couple walking out as I walked into Target. I went to the XBOX game section of Target, FBI had a Black male thug in this area too. 

FBI's December 28, 2012 operation was another FBI departure from reality of Mesa-Tempe demographics.  Without FBI surveillance, I would have gone out with my family and likely not seen any Black people, with FBI, the East Valley, has a significant Black population, FBI's Black male thugs. East Valley demographics would do not support FBI's operations.  However, FBI does not care what reality or norms of the area they operate in, of utmost importance to FBI is not fitting, it is conducting a Lynnae harassment operation. 

FBI pre-places its thugs before my arrival at locations, this is a standard FBI tactic, FBI believes this increases the credibility of its operations.  For information on FBI pre-placing its thugs before targets arrival see Spy&Counterspy. FBI surveillance also conducts target pattern analysis to anticipate destination of target and inserts its thugs in these places. FBI has enough thugs working my operation to ensure coverage at any destination.

FBI's strategy is more is better, if they saturate an area in Mesa-Tempe-Chandler area with their Black male thug, Black male & White female thug couples, they cannot all be FBI, right? Wrong, with FBI, yes, they can all be FBI, it is important to know the demographics and norms of your area before FBI arrives, I know the East Valley, and it has a tiny Black population.  FBI's operations are consistently a departure from the norm, if I see 15 Black men in a location, can they all be FBI Black male thugs, YES THEY CAN.

FBI is conducting a National level counterintelligence operation, FBI has vast resources to conduct this operation and hundreds of personnel.  When FBI wants to change the demographic make up of an area I am in, it is easy, they have the people in place to do so, FBI's Black male thug centered harassment operations in an area with a Black male population of less than 2%, FBI can and does change the demographics of Mesa area, to accomplish its Lynnae harassment objectives. 

FBI Slideshow 12/28/2012

 FBI Black Male Thug at Bus Stop in front of Mesa Public Library Dobson Ranch

FBI Black Male Thug Riding Bike Past MCC

FBI Black Male Thugs at Bus Stop Roosevelt & Broadway Roads

FBI Black & White Male Thug at Harkins Ticket Counter

FBI Black Male Thug Harkins Concession Stand

FBI Black Male & Female Thug Tempe Market Place

FBI Black & Latina Thug Couple Tempe Market Place

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Car Tempe Market Place

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Couple Harkins

FBI Black Male Thug Tempe Market Place

FBI Black Male Thug at Gamestop Tempe Market Place

FBI Black Male Thug Cold Stone Creamery Tempe Market Place

FBI Black Male Thug Tempe Market Place

FBI Black Male Thug Tempe Market Place

FBI Black Male Thug Tempe Market Place Outside Harkins

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Couple Harkins Tempe Market Place

FBI Black Male Thug Getting Out of Car Tempe Market Place

FBI Black Male Thug Dread Tempe Market Place Exit

FBI Black Male Thug Driving White Mercedes

FBI Black Male Thug Skateboarding Past Brother's House A

FBI Black Male Thug Skateboarding Past Brother's House B

FBI Black Male CVS on Dobson & Southern Roads

FBI Black Male & White Female Thugs CVS Dobson & Southern Roads  I

FBI Black Male & White Female Thugs CVS Dobson & Southern Roads II

FBI Black Male "deep cover" CVS employee Thug CVS Dobson & Southern Roads

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug at Target Longmore & Southern

FBI Black male & White Female Thug Couple Target Dobson & Southern

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

FBI Thug Operations 12/29/2012

FBI launched its usual Black and White Male Thug Dobson Ranch Golf Course operations on December 29, 2012.  In the evening, I went to my friend's apartment for a BBQ, on my route to my friend's FBI launched what I call its child soldier/suicide bomber operation. FBI had a Black boy and Latina girl position on Dobson Road, FBI has a habit of placing Black boys in my path, in "diverse" situation, in addition to their Black male thugs.  As I continued on Dobson Road, an FBI Black male and White female thug couple drove up behind me, I paused at the stoplight before the entrance to US60 and let FBI's thugs pass me so I could film their license plate.  FBI frequently stages its Black male and White female thug driving up behind me op. An FBI Black male thug drove out of a parking space after I entered parking lot of my friend's apartment complex, I filmed his license plate.

After I arrived at my friend's apartment, while we were talking I showed my friend to pictures I shot of FBI's thug team earlier in the day.  My friend looked at my pictures and recognized FBI's Black and White male thugs, they had gone to her workplace in the morning before golfing past my house on the Dobson Ranch Golf Course.

My friend said FBI's Black male thugs were dressed differently when they went to her workplace, FBI's older Black male thug was wearing a jaguar necklace.  FBI's White male thug went to my friends workplace separately from the Black male thugs and friend said he faked a facial tick. FBI's White male thug wore the same shirt to my friends workplace he wore on the Golf Course.  Friend works at a food establishment and FBI's thugs purchased food at friend's workplace, their cover for being there.

Later that evening, my friend, her son and I went to the 7-11 on Dobson Rd. and 8th Ave.  I gave my friend and her son background on FBI's thug operations against me, my friends son decided to film FBI with his mother's camera on our short walk to 7-11.  Soon after we arrived at 7-11, an FBI Black male and White female thug couple walked in an purchased a large container of water, their only purchase.  A few minutes later, another FBI Black male thug entered 7-11, my friend recognized this Black male thug, he had also purchased food at her workplace.

My friend and her son said they spotted a third FBI Black male thug, I did not see or film him.  FBI's deep cover 7-11 White male thug asked me to stop filming his customers as we were leaving 7-11, my friend's son continued recording with his mother's cell phone camera.  FBI's "deep cover" staff routinely harass me for filming their FBI "customers" at retail and food establishments.  On our way back to my friend's apartment, we passed another FBI Black male thug at the corner of Dobson and Emelita Roads.

After our outing, my friend and her son both expressed their disbelief, saying they had never seen anything like that before at the 7-11.  My friend's son commented they only see a few people when they walk to 7-11, Mexicans and Whites in the store and maybe a White or Mexican getting gas, when I was with them, FBI launched its standard Black male and White female thug couple harassment ops and their lone Black male thug op. FBI intentionally deviates from the demographics of surrounding communities to accomplish its objective, a harassment operation based on my gender and race.

FBI 12/29/2012 Slideshow

FBI Black & White Male Thugs Dobson Ranch Golf Course I

FBI Black Male & White Male Thugs Dobson Ranch Golf Course II

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Couple Car Op

FBI Black Male Thug's Car at Friend's Apartment Complex

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Couple 7-11 Dobson Rd. & 8th Ave.

FBI Black Male Thug 7-11 Dobson Rd. & 8th Ave.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

FBI Thug Operations 12/27/2012

On December 27, 2012, I went to a morning showing of Les Miserables at the Harkins at Chandler Fashion Square Mall, as always, FBI's harassment team followed me there.  On my way to pick up my nieces and nephews, I spotted FBI's first Black male thug walking past the lake at the Dobson Ranch Park.  There are few Black people who live on the Dobson Ranch, under FBI surveillance, FBI Black male thugs are everywhere.

I encountered FBI's second Black male thug I filmed, on Dobson Rd. near 8th Ave. I turned the corner and FBI had its 3rd Black Male thug walking on 8th Ave. towards Dobson Rd. On this day, FBI's Black male thugs were conducting a Trayvon Martin style hoodie operation to protest me detecting and filming them.   FBI's Trayvon Martin operation is an insult to the memory of Martin, FBI's Black male thugs and collaborator constantly try to  make a statement about me targeting them based on race, when FBI has conducted an operation against me based on my race and gender, me being a Black woman.

My niece drove us to the movie, on our way, I spotted an FBI Black and White male thug in an SUV driving next to us, FBI's thugs were dressed in Marine uniforms.  FBI then stalked me into Les Miserables, after we were seated, FBI sent a Black and White male thug to sit in our row, on the side my nephews were sitting. I was not in the mood to deal with FBI's harassment in my row at the movie theater and left in disgust, my niece and nephews stayed and watched Les Miserables.

I went to pick up my victim's report from Mesa Police Department Headquarters in downtown Mesa while I waited for the movie to end.  FBI stalked me to the Mesa Police Department Headquarters with Black male thugs, on almost every corner, in a city with a 3.5% Black population.  FBI always has these blatant, intentional departures from reality with their Black male thug harassment operations, harassing me at Harkins was not satisfactory for FBI's Special Surveillance Garbage.

I went to the Mesa Public Library and FBI stalked me with its Black male thugs inside and outside the library.  I drove around downtown Mesa and uncovered an FBI base of operations, the Marriott   FBI had a Black male thug standing outside the hotel next to an FBI tour bus with Utah license plates.  FBI is always willing to reveal its operational methods to have its Black male thugs in my path.

I will not recount each FBI Black male thug operation in this Blog post, the pictures posted below tell the story.  When I returned to pick up my niece and nephews from Harkins theater, FBI had a Black male thug waiting in line, FBI insists on placing its Black male thugs in my path wherever I go, and will blow covers, damage national security, to accomplish their harassment objective.

FBI Thug Slideshow 12/27/2012

FBI Black Male & Female Thug Couple Target Longmore & Southern Mesa, AZ

FBI Black Male Thug Harkins Theater

FBI Black Male Thug Harkins Theater Parking Lot A

FBI Black Male Thug Harkins B

FBI Black Male Thug Harkins Chandler Fashion Square

FBI Black Male Thug Dobson & 8th Ave.

FBI Black Male Thug Back Shot East Mesa

FBI Black Male Thug Approaching 8th Ave. I

FBI Black Male Thug Approaching 8th Ave. II

FBI Black Male Thug w/Bike Mesa Public Library

FBI Black Male Thug Extension Road

FBI Black Male Thug Bus Driver, Marriott Downtown Mesa

FBI Black Male Thug Post Office Downtown Mesa

FBI Black Male Thug on Bike Downtown Mesa

FBI Tour Bus Marriott Downtown Mesa

FBI Marine Black & White Male Thugs Loop 101 South

FBI Tempe Market Place Black Male Thug Ops 12/26/2012

On December 26, 2012, I went to Harkins movie theater at Tempe Market Place with my nephews.  We went to see the Hobbit, I remember because my niece did not want to see the movie and stayed at  home.  FBI thugs use any opportunity they can to launch a harassment operation, whether I am with children, alone, does not matter to FBI's thugs.

When we arrived at Harkins the person working at the ticket counter told us there were only front row seats left for the showing we wanted, she asked if we wanted to wait for a later showing. We decided to wait for the later showing and went to Gamestop to waste time before the movie, FBI had its Black male thugs in place for our arrival, see film posted below.

After the movie, FBI had its usual Black male thug centered interracial couples in place, along our path.  FBI had two young looking Black male and Latina thug couples sitting outside in the cold.  As soon as we passed FBI's thug couple, they got up to leave, I watched FBI's operation unfold.  FBI also had their usual Black male thugs walking towards us as we left Harkins movie theater.

FBI Gamestop Tempe Market Place I

FBI Gamestop Tempe Market Place II

FBI Gamestop Tempe Market Place III

FBI Gamestop Tempe Market Place IV

FBI Black male & Latina Thug Couples Tempe Market Place I

FBI Black male & Latina Thug Couples Tempe Market Place II

FBI Black Male Thug in Car on Way Home From Movies

FBI Christmas Thug Operations 12/25/2012

FBI does not take holidays off of harassment operations, Christmas was no exception. I knew FBI would harass me throughout the Holiday season and FBI launched its Black male thug centered harassment operations from Thanksgiving to the New Year.

 I did not go anywhere Christmas day and FBI brought its thug operations to my backyard. Before FBI surveillance harassment operations, I had never seen a Black man on the Dobson Ranch Golf Course, after FBI surveillance operations, I got FBI's Black male thug harassment ops on Christmas day. My FBI Christmas pictures and video are posted below.

 I remember talking to my brother about FBI on the Dobson Ranch Golf Course Christmas night, my niece and nephews overheard our conversation and asked my brother about it. My brother said, there are too many Black men golfing on the Golf Course, it is not the norm, he did not go into too much detail about FBI's operations with his children, except saying, your Aunt is taking pictures of them. My brother and I discussed how FBI's operations did not make sense, I have tweeted this many times. However, FBI does not care that their operations do not make sense, are a complete departure from the norms of Mesa, Arizona, FBI's goal is conducting a harassment operations. FBI will blow covers and damage National Security to accomplish its primary goal, conducting a Lynnae harassment operation.

 FBI Christmas Day 2012 Black &White Male Thug Operations

FBI Black &White Male Thug Christmas I

FBI Black &White Male Thug Christmas II

FBI Black &White Male Thug Christmas III

FBI Black &White Male Thug Christmas IV

FBI Black &White Male Thug Christmas V

FBI Black &White Male Thug Christmas VI

FBI Black &White Male Thug Christmas VII

FBI Black & White Male Thug Christmas VIIII

FBI Black & White Male Thug Christmas X

FBI Black & White Male Thug Christmas XI

Saturday, March 23, 2013

FBI Christmas Eve Thug Operations 12/24/2012

On Christmas Eve, December 24, 2012, my niece, nephews and I went to the movies at Chandler Fashion Square Mall, I think we went to see the Hobbit but I'm not sure. FBI considers me going to the movies with my family a provocative action that requires an FBI surveillance harassment response, and this is what I got on Christmas eve, 2012. I did not film any FBI Black male thug on my way to my brother's house to pick up my nieces and nephews and I cannot recall whether I spotted FBI's Black male thugs.

FBI reserved its major harassment operation for after the movie at Harkins Chandler Fashion Square. When we exited the movie theater, FBI had a Black male and female thug couple standing outside near the entrance to Harkins theater. FBI's pattern is consistent, FBI stalks me with Black male thug centered interracial couples and occasionally FBI will include a Black male thug with a Black woman prop. FBI's emphasis is always on FBI's Black male thugs being portrayed in "diverse" situations, FBI dresses up its hateful, sexist, racist ops under the guise of diversity.

 FBI's diversity goes in one direction, FBI's Black male thugs. When FBI includes a Black woman in an operation, its often to support FBI's Black male thug "diversity" ops. I rarely go anywhere and only see Black women, if FBI includes a Black woman in an op, alone or in a couple, there are always more Black male thugs in the area. In Arizona, FBI's portrayal of the Black population is approximately 85% Black men and 15% Black women.

 FBI routinely stalks me with Black male thugs socially, no Black women in sight, I have never gone to a restaurant or bar, while under FBI harassment surveillance, where there were only Black women and no FBI Black male thugs. FBI's Christmas even 2012 harassment op began when I exited the movies with FBI's staged Black male and female thug couple. I consider FBI's use of Black couples harassment because FBI portrays Black women solely as props who accompany their Black male thugs, not independent beings.

 As I stated above, FBI includes its Black male thugs in a range of activities, Black women are largely absent from FBI's Arizona ops and often when they are included, they're used as a Black male thug's prop. My nephew wanted to go to Gamestop after the movie to spend his Christmas money, I agreed and FBI had its Black male thugs and collaborators already in place as we approached the main entrance to Chandler Fashion Square Mall.

 I sighted FBI's second Black male thug harassment op at Kona Grill, FBI's signature operation, Black male and White/other female thugs, a group seated outside. We walked through the food court, I saw an FBI Black male thug with child props seated in my path. Gamestop is located not far from the food court in Chandler Fashion Square mall, FBI flooded Gamestop with Black male thugs, there were one or two Black women in the Gamestop too, supporting their Black male thug ops.

 FBI's Chandler Mall op was a complete departure from the demographics of Chandler Mall, had FBI not been there, most likely my niece, nephew and I would have been the only Black people at Gamestop on Christmas Eve. My nephew did not find the game he was looking for, Dragon Age, at Chandler Fashion Square Gamestop and we decided to go to Fiesta Mall.

My niece drove us to Fiesta Mall, FBI stalked me from Chandler Fashion Square to Fiesta Mall with its Black Male thugs, walking on the sidewalk, driving in cars, always in a prominent position to be sure I observed them.  When we arrived at Fiesta Mall, FBI had its Black male and White/other female thug couples in place and they began streaming out of the mall into the parking lot.  There were too many FBI thug couples for me to film, I filmed at least one inside Fiesta mall, the video is posted below.

In addition to FBI's Black male centered interracial couples, streaming out of Fiesta Mall into the parking lot upon our arrival, FBI had its Black male thugs loitering at the entrance we used to enter Fiesta Mall and inside Fiesta mall, another total departure from the demographics of Mesa.  FBI also had a Black male thug follow us into Gamestop at Fiesta Mall.  If I were not under FBI surveillance, I would not have seen any Black men at Fiesta Mall on Christmas Eve.

FBI stalked my family and I after we left Fiesta Mall, an FBI Black Male Thug pair drove up next to our car on Longmore and Southern, see video posted below.  I did not film anymore FBI Black male thug ops after I dropped my niece and nephew off at my brothers house.

FBI uses any occasion to launch its Lynnae, racist and sexist, harassment operations, Christmas Eve, Holidays are not sacred to FBI's Special Surveillance Garbage, if I go out, FBI's Black male thugs and collaborators will harass me and whoever is with me, including children.

FBI Christmas Eve Slide Show

 FBI Black Male Thug Fiesta Mall

FBI Black Male & White Female Thug Couple Fiesta Mall

FBI Black Male Thug w/Comb in Hair, Fiesta Mall

FBI Black Male Thugs Gamestop, Chandler Fashion Square Video 1

FBI Black Male Thug, Gamestop, Chandler Fashion Square Video 2

FBI Black Male Thugs, Gamestop, Chandler Fashion Square Video 3

FBI Black Male Thugs, Chandler Fashion Square Video 4

FBI Black Male Thugs, Longmore &Southern Outside Fiesta Mall

FBI Black Male & White/Other Female Thugs Chandler Fashion Square

FBI Thug Operations: Harkins Theater, Chandler Fashion Square 12/23/2012

On December 23, 2012 my nieces, nephews and I went to Harkins Theater at Chandler Fashion Square in Chandler, Arizona.  FBI used my trip to see Red Dawn with my family as an opportunity to launch their Black male centered thug harassment operations.

FBI stalked me with its Black male thugs on my way to pick up my nieces and nephews to go to the movies the morning of December 23, 2012, we also encountered FBI's Black male thugs on our way to Chandler Fashion Square.  After I dropped my nieces and nephews off at their house, FBI stalked me with its Black male and female thug couple on my way home.

At the Harkins Movie theater, Chandler Fashion Square, FBI had two "deep cover" Black male thugs taking tickets, wearing Santa hats.  FBI's deep cover operations are where FBI inserts its thugs into retail, commercial, and other positions, FBI then pose as regular employees.  FBI thug's tax returns, etc. would support their cover, FBI's thugs can pose as anything from a fast food worker to a landscaper.  FBI routinely creates cover companies to support their "deep cover" operations.

FBI's older Black male thug harassed my 4 year old niece as we entered Harkins, asking her her age, then telling her she was too old to be admitted free.  FBI's Black male thug told my niece she had to be 3 years old or younger to be admitted free, I told FBI's thug, then my niece is 3 years old.  FBI's thug said he would  let her in this time, next time she would have to pay.

My 4 year old niece is not big for her age, movie theater workers have never asked her age before, I confirmed this with my brother and sister-in-law.  FBI's Black male thug had a menacing look on his face as he told us my niece was to old for free admission to Harkins theater.

After leaving Harkins Theater, FBI had a White female thug driving a boyish looking Black Male thug  pull up behind the car I was driving.  FBI has launched this and variations of this operation many times.  My brother is married to a White woman and has biracial children, FBI repeatedly launches operations mocking my brother, his family and his children.

FBI did not limit its Black male thug centered harassment operations to my trip to Harkins Theater with my nieces and nephews, FBI continued its Dobson Ranch Golf Course Black and White Male thug Operations on December 23, 2012.

FBI Operations Slide Show 12/23/2012

FBI Black Male Thug Dobson & 8th Ave.

FBI Black Male Thugs Harkin's Theater

FBI Black Male & Female Thugs

FBI Black Male Thug on Bike Riding Past Brother's House

FBI Black & White Male Thug Op Video #1

FBI Black & White Male Thug Op Video #2

FBI Black & White Male Thug Op Video #3

FBI Black & White Male thug Op Video #4

Friday, March 22, 2013

FBI Black Male Thug Operations: East Mesa, 12/21/2012

On December 21, 2012 , I went to Mesa Police Department Headquarters in downtown Mesa to request a copy of the police report I filed against the FBI Black male thug who assaulted me at the Dobson Ranch Golf Course on December 19, 2012.  FBI stalked me with its Black male thugs on my way to the Mesa Police Department, at the Main branch of the Mesa Public Library after I requested the police reports, and on my way home.

FBI had its Black male thugs driving around in East Mesa in numbers I would never see, if FBI were not conducting its Black male thug centered harassment operation against me.  In fact, it is highly likely, without FBI's presence in Mesa, I would not have seen a Black man on my trip to downtown Mesa.  Instead, I got multiple FBI cover blowing Black male thug ops, they were driving cars, there was an FBI Black female thug driving a Black male thug, I got sidewalk ops, FBI's favorite, a Black male thug loitering on the corner or outside a convenience store.

FBI stalked me to Mesa Police Department with one of their African Male thugs, he had an accent, I could not identify the country FBI's African American thug is from. FBI employs many naturalized American citizens, African, Hispanic, etc.  FBI's African thug made a threatening gesture and said, "no pics" towards me while I was sitting in my car, a long distance from him, filming his activities. FBI's African thug approached my car, I rolled up my window and drove into the Mesa Police Department parking lot.  FBI's Black male thugs and collaborators always know I'm filming them and now the scenery, or something else, why? Because FBI's thugs follow me on twitter and read my blogs.

I did not take pictures of every FBI Black male thug centered operation I encountered on my way to downtown Mesa December 21, 2012, the pictures and video below are a sample.  I was driving and could not film every FBI Black male thug operation I saw.

FBI's Naturalized American Citizen African Thug I

FBI's Naturalized American Citizen African Thug at my Car Window

FBI's Naturalized American Citizen African Thug Lexus License Plates

FBI Black male & female Thugs w/stroller Prop

FBI Black Male Thug 2nd Floor Mesa Public Library Main Branch

FBI Black Male Thug 1st Floor Mesa Public Library

FBI Black Male Thug Operations 12/20/2012

FBI launched its standard Black male thug operation when I went to CVS on Dobson and Southern Roads to have a passport photo taken.  I encountered FBI Black male thugs on the street, on my way to CVS and on my way home.  On my way to CVS, FBI had a Black male thug walking a girl child prop, I did not take a photo of this FBI thug operation.

I went to CVS and took a passport photo, I did not purchase the photo.  When I left CVS to go home, I shot a picture of an FBI Black male thug standing near Mesa Community College (MCC), the pictures is posted below.  FBI does not let me leave home without having at least one of its Black male thugs in my path (either in a car or walking on the sidewalk, often both), if not for FBI, I would  have got to CVS and seen no Black men, standard for Mesa, Arizona.

Later that day, I went outside to complete questions on my application for Social Security Disability Insurance.  Shortly after I tweeted I was going outside, FBI sent an older Black male thug past my house with a remote control Golf Bag.  FBI's Black male thug had assaulted me on the Dobson Ranch Golf Course the previous day, did this stop FBI from conducting its Black male thug Dobson Ranch Golf Course operation, of course not. FBI's mission above anything else, is to conduct a sexist and racist operation against me, FBI will blow covers and damage national security to accomplish its harassment goals.

FBI Black Male Thug on corner of Dobson & Southern at MCC

FBI OG Black Male Thug Golfer Photo I

FBI OG Black Male Thug Golfer Photo II

FBI OG Black Male Thug Golfer Photo III

FBI OG Black Male Thug Golfer Photo IV

FBI OG Black Male Thug Videos:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

FBI Assault at Dobson Ranch Golf Course 12/19/2012

I spotted FBI's Black male thug around mid-morning on December 19, 2012 as he and a White male thug passed the 16th hole in front of my parents house.  I did not have time to film FBI's Black and White male thug twosome, so I got in my parents car and drove to the Dobson Ranch Golf Course to film them when they finished their game.

When I arrived at Dobson Ranch Golf Course, FBI had a Black male thug in place on the driving range, I filmed him while waiting for FBI's Black and White male thug twosome to finish their game and leave the course.  FBI's Black male thug started talking to me while I filmed him and the driving range.  FBI's Black male thug said he had lived on the Dobson Ranch for 20 years and asked me if I was a cougar, then asked, did you go to BYU? My conversation with FBI's Black male thug is on the video posted below.

FBI's Black and White male thugs arrived at the 18th hole after I had been at the Dobson Ranch Golf Course for several minutes.  I filmed FBI's Black  and White male thugs as they sped past me in their Golf Cart and followed them to the parking area and filmed them some more, see the video posted below.  FBI's Black male thug then threatened me, saying if you don't stop filming I will go TMZ on you, the threat FBI's Black male thug made is also on the video posted below.  I continued filming FBI's Black and White male thug, FBI's White male thug quickly left after FBI's Black male thug threatened me.

I filmed FBI's Black male thug at a distance as he left the Dobson Ranch Golf Course and walked to his car. FBI's Black male thug saw me continuing to film him, approached me, grabbed my wrists and attempted to steal my camera from me.  I captured much of FBI's Black male thug's assault on the video posted below. I pried FBI's Black male thug's hands off my wrists, when FBI's other Black male thug who was at the driving approached us.  FBI's other Black male thug said, you should have stopped filming him, in response to his colleague physically assaulting me, see video posted below.

FBI's Black male thugs left, the older Black male thug in a late model Infiniti and the younger Black male thug in a separate car, see the video below, I filmed the license plates of both FBI Black male thugs.  FBI's Black male thugs called Mesa PD after leaving the scene and reported me, a Mesa PD officer spoke to me briefly in the parking lot, I was already in my car.  The Mesa PD officer asked if I was OK, etc. I reported FBI's Black male thug's assault on me the following day.  The Mesa PD report is posted here.

I went to Wholefoods in Tempe, AZ after leaving Dobson Ranch Golf Course, FBI had a Black & White male thug drive past me as I entered the Wholefoods parking lot.  On my way home from Wholefoods, I spotted another FBI Black & White male and female thug team golfing, videos are posted below.

FBI did not stop its harassment operations after its Black male thug assaulted me, instead FBI sent my mother a threatening letter, posted below  FBI's letter to my mother blamed me for FBI's Black male thug's attack and included several  days of my tweets, FBI highlighted my tweets about FBI stalking me with their Black male & White female thug couples.

FBI Black Male Thug Assaulter & White Male Thug  Video A

FBI Black Male Thug Assaulter & White Male Thug Video B

FBI Black Male Thug Assaulter Video A:

FBI Black Male Thug Assaulter Video B:

FBI Older Black Male Thug at Driving Range:

FBI Older Black Male Thug Parking Lot

Wound From FBI's Black Male Thug's Assault on Me Video

Wound From FBI's Black Male Thug's Assault on Me Photo

FBI Threat Letter to my Mother

FBI Black & White Male & Female Thugs Video A

FBI Black & White Male & Female Thugs Video B

FBI Black & White Male & Female Thugs Photo A

FBI Black & White Male & Female Thugs Photo B

 FBI Black & White Male & Female Thugs Photo C

FBI Black & White Male & Female Thugs Photo D

FBI Black and White Male Thug Operations 12/18/2012

FBI began sending groups of  Black and White male thugs after I sighted, filmed and tweeted pics of their Black male thug twosome on December 14, 2012.  On December 18, 2012 FBI sent two separate groups of FBI Black and White male thugs past my house on the Dobson Ranch Golf Course.

FBI Black and White Male Thug Operation #1

FBI Black and White Male Thug Operation #2 Video A

FBI Black and White Male Thug Operation #2 Video B

FBI Black and White Male Thug Operation #1 Photo

 FBI Black and White Male Thug Operation #2 Photo A

FBI Black and White Male Thug Operation #2 Photo B

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

FBI Black and White Male Thug Dobson Ranch Golf Course Operations, 12/17/2012

I spotted FBI's Black and White Male Thug team as they passed the 16th hole in front of my parents house on December 16, 2012.  I was sitting on the sofa in the family room playing Splinter Cell Double Agent on my XBOX, looked up and saw FBI's Black and White male thug team leaving the 16th hole.  I got my camera and ran to the fence and filmed FBI's thug team from long distance as they walked away.  These pictures and videos were taken with my Canon Powershot SD1100 with 3x zoom, I later upgraded to a Canon Powershot SX260 HS with 20x zoom and am able to capture long distance shots of FBI thugs.

After shooting long distance video of FBI's Black and White male thugs, I drove to Dobson Ranch Golf Course to take additional shots.  I waited for FBI's Black and White male thugs in the area near the driving range and putting green.  When arrived at Dobson Ranch Golf Course (a 2 minute drive around the corner) FBI had another Black male thug at the driving range, pictures of him are below.  FBI also has several Black male thugs working on the Dobson Ranch Golf Course staff, one of FBI's rangers in in the picture below.  Before FBI began its surveillance operation, there were no Black men employed at the Dobson Ranch Golf Course. If FBI had not drawn attention to its Dobson Ranch Golf Course operation by using its Black and White male thug teams, it is possible FBI's deep cover Black male thug Dobson Ranch staff employees would have gone unnoticed.  However, FBI intentionally drew attention to its Dobson Ranch Golf Course operations, a standard practice throughout FBI's harassment operations against me.  FBI's deep cover staff routinely assist in FBI's Black & White male thug operations.

FBI positions its Black male thugs in places before I arrive, this is a tactic that is supposed to make the operation more credible.  Often, FBI has a Black male thug in place before I arrive at my destination, each time I went to the Dobson Ranch Golf Course to film an FBI Black and White male thug team, FBI had a Black male thug in place at the driving range.  FBI uses this same tactic at restaurants, shopping centers, etc. FBI prepositions its operators and they are waiting when the target arrives.

I went to the Dobson Ranch Branch of the Mesa Public Library after I filmed FBI's thugs at Dobson Ranch Golf Course and there was an FBI Black male thug seated at a computer terminal.  I did not film FBI's Black male thug at the library, he was surrounded by children and my previous policy was to avoid filming children as much as possible.  I have changed my FBI child filming policy, however I do avoid filming children who I cannot confirm are associated with an FBI thug operation.  I have gone to the Dobson Ranch Branch of the Mesa Public Library countless time, I have usually been the only Black person in the library and have not encountered a Black man there, until FBI began its Black male centered thug harassment operations against me.  I will blog more about FBI's Dobson Ranch Branch and Main Mesa Public Library operations in later blog posts.

FBI Black and White Male Thug Trio Long Distance Shot from Backyard

FBI Black Male Thug at Driving Range Dobson Ranch Golf Course

FBI Black Male Thug Ranger

FBI Black Male Thug Walking to Putting Green 

FBI Black Male Thug Golfer

FBI Black and White Male Thug Dobson Ranch Golf Course Operations, 12/15/2012

FBI continued its Black and White male thug Dobson Ranch Golf Course operations after I spotted and tweeted about their December 14, 2012 operation.  I was often playing my XBOX or watching TV when I looked up and saw FBI's Black and White male thug operations, usually at the 16th hole.  I did not have much time to shoot pics, because I spotted FBI's operations late, as they pass my house.

On December 15, 2012, I took 2 pictures and 2 videos of FBI's Black and White male thug operations on the Dobson Ranch Golf Course.
FBI Black and White Male Thug Photo I

FBI Black and White Male Thug Photo II

FBI Black and White Male Thug Video I

FBI Black and White Male Thug Video II

FBI Black and White Male Thug Dobson Ranch Golf Course Operations, 12/14/2012

A family member spotted a Black man on Dobson Ranch Golf Course in late August when we were here for a family member's funeral.  Family member was shocked to see a Black man on the Dobson Ranch Golf Course.  Black men are rare on the Dobson Ranch Golf Course, so rare, I had never seen a Black man golfing on the Golf Course until FBI surveillance began.  Black man my family member spotted on Dobson Ranch Golf Course when we were here for a family member's funeral was an FBI Black male thug.

My parents home in Mesa, Arizona borders the Dobson Ranch Golf Course, we are between the 15th and 16th holes.  I lived in this house my entire life until I left for Spelman College in August 1994 when I was 18 years old.  Growing up, I do not remember ever seeing a Black man on the Dobson Ranch Golf Course, I do not remember seeing any Black men golfing here on my visits to my parents house after I left Mesa, AZ in 1994.  

December 14, 2012 I spotted two FBI Black male thugs in front of the snack bar on the Dobson Ranch Golf Course.  The Dobson Ranch Golf Course snack bar faces my house and is staffed by FBI thugs.  I was sitting in the family room talking to my niece and I looked up and saw a Black man, I asked my niece, "is he black?" and she said yes.  I got my camera and went outside to film FBI's Black male thugs, neither were dressed in golf attire.  I had not gone out in several days, so FBI brought their Black male thugs to my backyard to continue their harassment operations   

FBI responded to my tweet about their Black male thug twosome with another Black male centered same day operation.  I usually tweet about FBI's Black male thug Dobson Ranch Golf Course operations when I spot them.  FBI's response to my tweet about their Black male thug twosome, send a Black and White male thug team golfing past my house.  FBI's operations are predictable, FBI retaliates against my tweets by escalating their harassment operations, increasing the operational tempo of their blatant cover blowing operations. 

Below are the FBI videos I shot on December 14, 2012 of FBI's Black male thug Dobson Ranch Golf Course operation.  These black male thugs were the first I spotted, it is likely FBI had other Black male thug golfers I did not see golf past my house on the Dobson Ranch Golf Course. 

FBI Black Male Thugs Video I

FBI Black Male Thugs Video II

FBI Black Male Thugs Video III